Sep 23, 2019 • Jetse Koopmans

GitHub Actions with Rails, Postgres and RSpec

GitHub recently introduced their own CI solution called GitHub Actions. I got access to the beta and decided to test it with Rails, Postgres and Rspec.

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GitHub Actions with Rails, Postgres and RSpec

Sep 3, 2018 • Jetse Koopmans

Analyzing a dead musician's work with Machine Learning techniques

Although the work of Scarlatti is greatly revered by many professional musicians, some claim that it does not show any compository development. In this blog post I am able to comment on his work based on an algorithmical similarity metric with no musical background knowledge.

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Analyzing a dead musician's work with Machine Learning techniques

Sep 1, 2018 • Arend Koopmans

Interactive Virtual Reality video experience in Unity with seamless video transitions

This article explains how to seamlessly transition between video in a Virtual Reality project in Unity.

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Interactive Virtual Reality video experience in Unity with seamless video transitions

Aug 31, 2018 • Arend Koopmans

DNS settings for an Heroku application with CNAME, ALIAS and MX records using AWS Route 53, S3, ACM and Cloudfront

You are hosting an application with Heroku and want it to be reachable through the root domain and the www subdomain (i.e. and

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DNS settings for an Heroku application with CNAME, ALIAS and MX records using AWS Route 53, S3, ACM and Cloudfront

Apr 20, 2016 • Pepijn Looije

Sidestepping Heroku's limits with PostgreSQL 9.5's UPSERT

My roommate needed help with building a web scraper. As a result of various constraints, we ended up using Heroku. There was, however, a database row limit that we had to work around.

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Sidestepping Heroku's limits with PostgreSQL 9.5's UPSERT

Oct 13, 2015 • Pepijn Looije

Visualizing 24 hours of medical students cramming anatomy

tl;dr: in the first year of medical school, I built an application that helps fellow students and myself with studying anatomy.

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Visualizing 24 hours of medical students cramming anatomy

Oct 4, 2015 • Pepijn Looije

Building a GeoJSON travel log: an introduction to Org mode and Babel

Literate programming is a technique that caught my attention after recently stumbling upon Howard Abrams’ ‘Literate Devops with Emacs’ video.

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Building a GeoJSON travel log: an introduction to Org mode and Babel